
22 September 2015

Letter writing competition

O/o Supdt. of Post Offices, Namakkal Division, Namakkal – 637001       
 Phone no :04286-220953,230192   email id:
No/BD/Phil/II/dlgs                 dated at Namakkal – 637001                    the 22.09.2015

The CEO / DEO, Namakkal
All the Principals/Headmasters
Government and Matriculation schools of
Namakkal District

Sub: Letter writing competition –reg
            This is regarding conduct of letter writing competition at Divisional level during the National Postal week 2015.

            The Department of Posts has proposed to conduct a letter writing competition for the school going children on the occasion of celebration of National Postal week on 10.10.2015. The  competition is proposed to be conducted in two categories as detailed below.

Junior level   -           Upto V standard
Senior  level  -           VI to X standard
            The students should write a letter to their grandparents on any one of the following topics.
1.    How did I Spend my vacations.
2.    One day in my school.
3.    My favourite book

Terms and conditions of the competition is as follows:

1.    The children should bring with them the postal address with the pincode of their grandparents.
2.    The letter may be written on a sheet of paper which will be supplied by this office.
3.    The letter may be written in Tamil, English or Hindi.
4.    Top 3 entries at Divisional level will be given prizes and will be forwarded to circle office. The top 3 entries at Circle level and National level will be given attractive prizes.
5.    The top three entries in each category at Divisional, Circle and National level will be given prizes.
The Principal /Head master of the schools concerned is requested to submit the list of students who is willing to participate in the competition to this office on or before 05.10.15 in the following proforma.

S. No
Name of the students
Language of the letter
Grandparents Address
Contact No

It is requested to nominate 5 number of students in each category from each school. On the date of competition the students should come with uniform and ID Card. The venue of the competition will be intimated to the schools by this office the Principal /Head master of the school in turn will arrange to inform the same to the students to take part in the competition.

                                                                                                        Superintendent of POs,
                                                                                                        Namakkal Division,
                                                                                                        Namakkal  637001
Copy to:

1.    The Postmaster General, WR, Coimbatore – 641 002 for information w.r.t. letter no.Phil/15004/Vol VIII/dlg dated

2.    All the IPs / ASPs / PMs / SPMs / MEs of Namakkal Division for information. The circular may please be exhibited in their office notice board for information of the public.

Supdt.of Post Offices,
Namakkal Division,
Namakkal – 637 001 

16 September 2015

Results of LGO Examination 2014 - TamilNadu Circle

The results of LGO Examination 2014 of TamilNadu Circle was declared by Circle Office, Chennai today and the following officials of this division declared to be qualified in the said examination

1. P.Poongothai, Post women, Tiruchengodu HO

2. M.Seralathan, Mail Overseer, Namakkal East Sub Division

Please click here fore RESULT

Revised selection process for engagement to all approved GDS categories

Revision of PLI Proposal form

Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts,
PLI Directorate,
New Delhi 110 021
Date: 15.09.2015

The Heads of Circles.

Subject: Revision of PLI Proposal form.

Consequent upon revision of maximum Sum Assured limit in respect of PLI policies from Rs 20 lacs to 50 lacs earlier, two separate proposal forms - one for below 20 lacs and another for above 20 lacs were brought in to use which caused lot of changes to be made in CIS. Hence need was felt for devising a single proposal form.

Accordingly, a common proposal form for PLI proposals has been devised. A soft copy of the same sent herewith. Henceforth this new form may please be brought into use.

Till the time provisions are made in the Core Insurance Solution for capturing the data for additional information for proposals having sum Assured /aggregate Sum Assured more than 20 lacs, the data will not be captured by the system. Accepting authorities concerned should, therefore, take decision of acceptance or otherwise based on the scanned images available in the system. Once provision is made in the CIS for data capturing, data will be entered for new proposals of more than 20 lacs of sum assured/ aggregate sum assured received thereafter.

Suitable instructions may be issued to all concerned for information guidance & necessary action.

This issues with the approval of the Chief General Manger [PLI].

Deputy Divisional Manager II 

Please Click here to download the proposal form

Provision of concession to Army Postal Service (APS) candidates for appearing/passing the inspector Posts Examination

F. No. 7-14/2009-SPB-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(Personnel Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi - 110 001
Dated 09th September, 2015

All Chief Postmasters General
Subject: Provision of concession to APS candidates for appearing/passing the inspector Posts Examination.

Sir/ Madam,
I am directed to refer to the above cited subject and (to say that certain concessions were granted to Army Postal Service (APS) officials in respect of taking Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to the inspector (Posts). These concessions were later withdrawn vide this Directorate letter of even number dated 5.9.2013 except for the concession of two additional chances for appearing in inspector (Posts) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination. As the withdrawal of the concessions was adversely affecting the morale of the personnel serving in the APS and also causing manpower crunch in APS, the matter has since been reviewed and it has been decided that the following concessions will be allowed to the APS candidates for appearing/ passing the inspector (Posts) Examination:-

(i) APS candidates may be granted ‘Qualified Status’ in case they qualify the inspector Posts examination provided they secure aggregate marks not less than 90% of the total marks secured by the last candidate. ‘selected on merit’ in their parent Circle (in civil side). if such qualified APS candidates have completed three year service as Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) on the date of examination, they will be brought on the approved lists of inspector Posts below all candidates (including those belonging to SC/ST). Their position in the approved list inter-se will be determined by the order of merit in the departmental examination.

(ii) ‘Qualified Status’ APS candidates, who have not completed three years as Junior Commissioned Officer on the date of examination, will be brought on the approved lists of inspector Posts below all candidates (including those belonging to SC/ST) who have been declared successful in the last examination-held before the date on which they complete three year service as JCO. Their position in the approved list inter-se will be determined by the dates on which they complete three year service as JCO.

(iii) A qualified APS candidate, who leaves the APS before completing three years service as JCO will not be eligible to be placed on the approved list.

(iv), Age relaxation of 05 years may be given to APS candidates for appearing in Inspector (Posts) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination. 

This issues with the approval Director General (Posts).

Yours faithfully,
(Abhay Kumar)
Assistant Director General (SPN)

1 September 2015

Representation from Government servant on service matters – reiteration of instructions

G.I., Dept. of Per. Trg.,O.M.F.No.11013/08/2013-Estt(A-III), dated 31.08.2015

Subject: Representation from Government servant on service matters – reiteration of instructions – regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to O.M. of even number dated 6th June, 2013 wherein instructions have been issued on submission of representation by Government servants about their service matters. In spite of these instructions, it has been observed that Government servants including officers/ officials of para military forces and Army personnel continue to represent directly to the Prime Minister, Minister, Secretary (P) and other higher authorities, directly.’

2. As per the existing instructions, wherever, in any matter connected with his service justifys or conditions, a Government servant wishes to press a claim or to seek redressal of a grievance, the proper course for him is to address his immediate official superior, or Head of his office, or such other authority at the appropriate level who is competent to deal with the matter in the organisation.

3. Such submission of representations directly to other authorities by- passing the prescribed channel of communication, has to be viewed seriously and appropriate disciplinary action should be taken against those who violate these instructions. This can justifyly be treated as an unbecoming conduct attracting the provisions of Rule 3 (1) (iii) of the Central Chill Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964. It is clarified that this would include all forms of communication including through e-mails or public grievances portal etc.

4. Attention in this connection is also invited to the provision of Rule 20 of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 prohibiting Government servants from bringing outside influence in respect of matter pertaining to his service matter. Representation by relatives of Government servant is also treated as outside influence as clarified vide MHA OM No. F. 25/21/63-Estt.(A) dated 19.09.1963

5. It is reiterated that these instructions may be brought to the notice of all Govt servants including officers/ officials of para military forces and member of armed forces and action taken against those who violate these instructions.