
4 November 2011

Supply of Speed post barcodes stickers and speed post bag labels

            In Speed post operations as barcode stickers and bag labels play  a vital role in all stages right from booking to delivery,  So regularizing the supply to Pos is essential.

Computerised offices:
              The computerized offices SPMSs are strictly instructed to  use only single barcode stickers for booking SP  articles ,and the range of barcode stickers  ie ET5----- to ET7___ only  and use the speed post bag labels ie EBT+10 digit  for dispatch of Sp  articles.

Non computerized offices
            The non computerized offices SPMs  and BPMs are also strictly instructed to use only integrated receipt book for booking SP articles Moreover the range of barcode stickers  ie ET5----- to ET7___ only  and use the speed post bag labels ie EBT+10 digit  for dispatch the sp  articles.

            Vide this office letter no BD/Barcode  dtd  14.09.2011  you have been already directed to  place indent to PSD directly. The indent should be made well in advance  and borrowing the barcode stickers and integrated receipt book  and bag labels from nearest office should be completely avoided.

            The PMs/SPMs  are instructed to follow the above mentioned point for avoiding of duplication of barcode.
The Sub Divisional heads will please to check the barcode and bag labels during their visit whether correct barcode and labels are being used.

All System Administrators will please to check the barcode and bag labels during their visit whether used correct barcode and labels are being used.


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