
27 December 2012

Supply of CTS 2010 Standard Cheque Books to POSB customers

O/o the Superintendent of Post Offices, Namakkal Division, Namakkal – 637 002
Phone No : 04286 – 220 953, 230 192. E-mail id –,
No       : IR/Bank/Dlgs
Date    : 26.12.12
All the PMs / SPMs
In Namakkal Division

            Sub : Supply of CTS 2010 Standard Cheque Books to POSB customers – reg

            Ref : This office letter of even no.dated 07.12.12
            Kindly refer to the above.

            Circle Office, Chennai has intimated that the time line for supply of CTS 2010 standard cheque books to the customers are extended by 31.03.13.
Hence all are requested to withdraw the notice if already placed on the notice boards of the office (which was previously instructed to place on the notice board).

1.    Also kindly cause to inform the receipt of cheque books as and when supply is received from HOs to SOs.

2.    On receipt of CTS 2010 cheque books at HOs and SOs a notice may be put on the notice board for the awarness of the depositors to replace the cheque books with new CTS 2010 standard cheque books.

3.    While replacing old cheque books, preference should be given to those depositors who are frequently using cheques for clearance purpose and a cancellation stamp should be placed on the unused cheques of the old cheque books collected. Procedure for disposal of old cancelled cheque books will be circulated separately.

4.    Old cheques should continue to be accepted at the counter of the Post office for withdrawal till new cheque books are not supplied to the POSB customers.


Superintendent of PO’s
Namakkal Division,
Namakkal – 637 002 

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