
25 March 2014

Discrepancies in E payment collections -- PA/SA DR



The Chief Postmaster General,
Tamilnadu Circle,
Chennai – 60 0002

The Postmasters- General,
No.REP/2-2/2013 &2014/DR             dated at Chennai – 600 002,     the      25.03.2014

Sub :                Discrepancies  in E  payment  collections  --  PA/SA  DR regarding.
In continuation to this office letter of even no. dated 25.02.2014 and 28.02.2014, the following instructions are issued herewith, regarding discrepancies in the e-payment.

1.                  The  National  Biller   designated  for  this purpose,   is  sending   daily  statements  received  through  server  to  the  agency   and   to  Directorate   for  pairing payment  w.r.t.  applications registered.    The    common/glaring errors   are noticed in collection of e-payments across   the counters.   They are  listed  as   under :

Receipts    with   credited   amount    as  “0”   ( zero)
In  certain  cases  the  amounts  credited  is  more than  100  or 500
Generation  of  separate  Receipts  for  application  cost   and Examination  fee in regard  to  same  Registration  number 
Collection  of service  charges   and  service tax   on  application  fee/Examination  fee
Certain  e payment   Post  offices  issued   manual  receipt  and kept  the  amounts   with them   under  un classified  receipts.
Improper scanning of registration  number.   The  prefix  to  the registration number   was  wrongly  mentioned as  ‘jop’ OR ‘DIP’  OR “JIG”’dkp’’dpo’ ‘dob’   dox  %  cop  bop  etc.   The  correct prefix  is  ‘dop’  in  small  caps.
 Not   running the e-payment communication on daily  and  regular  basis. 

2.                It is requested to ensure the following    monitoring mechanism.



(i)   All   the  e-payment Post  offices   authorized   should submit    a  daily statement  indicating  the  e-payment  collections    from  26-2-2014  to  1-4-2014     to  the  divisional  head.
(ii)      The  Divisional  heads  should  review  the  same,  and take  up the  cases  of  zero  payments   and  probe  the reasons.    In  case  of  any  error,  the  original  zero  transactions  has to be  cancelled,   and   a  fresh  receipt has to be issued  with  correct  registration  number    and  the  data  is uploaded.

(iii)    After  completion  of the period  of  collection  by  1-4-2014,  every  e  payment  post  office,  should  send  a  certificate    that  no   e-payment   collection  for PA/SA  DR  examination is lying  at  e-payment  enabled  PO   and such certificate  should be  sent  to  Director  New  Delhi  HO  by e-mail  to  ID : dirndho@  endorsing a  copy  to Circle Office ID:, DE section   ID  :

4.      The  details    of  the   cases  reported  where   the  fee  is not matching,  and  invalid  Registration  number  pertaining  to  your  region/units   is  enclosed.
It  is  also requested  to  get   the matter  probed   from  the  concerned  e-payment Post  offices,  and  for  sending  the  status   report  on   each  collection     by   e mail  to  :, and
(i)      In respect  of  fee  not  matching  cases,   it  should be mentioned  whether  the transactions  with  zero  payments  were cancelled  and  subsequently  fresh receipts  were  issued.  In such case, the  correct  receipt number,  account  date,  and  transaction serial  should be furnished.
(ii)    In  regard  to invalid  registration  number,    the  epayment  post  offices should  check   their   shift  reports  and  furnish   correct  Registration  Number   for  each  receipt  issued
5.     The  date  set  for  closing  of  registration  is  27-3-2014  and the last date for acceptance of payment is 01.04.2014 and  therefore,  the reconciliation  is  to be  done  on priority  basis,  so  that,  the applicant’s  online  application  can be  validated and  payment status  
Encl: As referred to.

Asst Postmaster General (Mails & Rectt)
For Chief PMG, Tamilnadu Circle,

Chennai – 600 002.

Collection of exam fees for TNPSC through POs – advt No. 08/2014

भारतीय डाक विभाग / Department Of Posts, India
पोस्टमास्टर जनरल का कार्यालय, पश्चिमी क्षेत्र, तमिलनाडु , कोयम्बत्तूर  641 002
Office of the Postmaster General, Western Region, Tamilnadu, Coimbatore 641 002
व्यवसाय विकास कक्ष / Business Development Cell
No. BD / 20533 / TNPSC dlgs / Vol VI dated at Coimbatore 641 002 the 24.03.14

All SSPOs/ SPOs,
In Western Region.

Sub : Collection of exam fees for TNPSC through POs – advt No.  08/2014 - reg.
            Ref : This office lr. of even no. dated 17.03.14

            Kindly refer to the above cited letter.

            Circle Office has intimated that TNPSC has issued notification for recruitment for the following posts included in “Combined Engineering Services Examination” vide Notification number 08/2014 on 24.03.2014.  Last date for acceptance of exam fee at Post Offices for this notification is 25.04.2014.

1.     Assistant Engineer (Civil), Water Resources Department, PWD ( Post code 1656)
2.     Assistant Engineer (Civil), Buildings, PWD ( Post Code No. 3656)
3.     Assistant Engineer (Civil), Electrical, PWD ( Post Code No. 1657)
4.     Assistant Director of Industrial Safety and Health ( Formerly named as Assistant Inspector of Factories) ( Post Code 1664).

                        The above notification has been configured in ePayment with biller name ‘TNPSC 8/2014’ under Biller ID 3873.
                        Suitable instructions may be issued to all identified POs on the following points:
1.     To book collection of ‘One Time Registration Fee’ in ‘TNPSC ONLINE’ biller.
2.     To book the fees collected for the above notification, under the correct biller.
3.     To ensure that there is no wrong booking i.e.  booking of transaction pertaining to a specific notification in the biller pertaining to some other notification.
4.     To ensure that ePayment client is run and ePayment screen is updated as on date.
5.     To ensure that exam fee is not accepted for any notification beyond the last date.
6.   To ensure that the Registration id / Application number for this advertisement starts with 408.

As matching of applications received online with payments made by the candidates will be done based on the ePayment figures in the particular biller, any wrong booking of transaction would lead to rejection of application.  Hence utmost care must be taken to ensure that the transactions are booked under the correct biller and it may please be communicated to all the identified POs that in case of wrong booking, it will be the responsibility of the official at fault.

Suitable instructions may be issued to the concerned POs to follow the instructions communicated vide this office lr. dated 13.08.2012.

के.सत्यमूर्ति / K.Sathiamoorthi
सहायक निदेशक(व्यवसाय विकास & प्रौद्योगिकी)
Assistant Director (BD & Tech)
डाक महाध्यक्ष का कार्यालय /O/o the Postmaster General
पश्चिमी क्षेत्र/Western Region, TN
कोयम्बत्तूर /Coimbatore 641002.

21 March 2014

Collection of exam fees for TNPSC through POs – Advt no. 381

भारतीय डाक विभाग / Department Of Posts, India
पोस्टमास्टर जनरल का कार्यालय, पश्चिमी क्षेत्र, तमिलनाडु , कोयम्बत्तूर  641 002
Office of the Postmaster General, Western Region, Tamilnadu, Coimbatore 641 002
व्यवसाय विकास कक्ष / Business Development Cell
No. BD / 20533 / TNPSC dlgs / Vol VI dated at Coimbatore 641 002 the 28.02.14

All SSPOs / SPOs,
In Western Region.

                 Sub : Collection of exam fees for TNPSC through POs – Advt no. 381 – reg
                   Circle Office has intimated that TNPSC has issued notification for the Departmental Examinations to be held in May 2014 in the leading dailies on 01.03.2014 vide advertisement number 381.  The last date for registering online is 31.03.2014.

As per the notification, the candidates have to acquire postal receipts before registering online.  Hence there will not be any unique registration number / application number for this notification.  The amount to be collected varies for each candidate as a candidate can appear for many tests @ Rs. 50/- per test.  Along with fees, the candidates have to pay Rs. 30/- towards registration fee and the service charge of Rs. 12/- payable to DoP.  Hence the amount to be collected from each candidate will be the total of the following :

Registration Fee     : Rs. 30/-
Exam fees                 : Amount to be ascertained from the candidates
  (Rs. 50/- for each test they apply)
                      Service Charge         : Rs. 12/-

                        The above notification has been configured in ePayment under Biller ID 3774 with biller name ‘TNPSC DEPTL 381’.  As there is no registration number for this notification, wrong booking of transactions ( booking in a different biller) will be a very serious issue. 

                        Please issue suitable instructions to all the POs to book the transactions pertaining to the Departmental Examination under the correct biller and ensure that the data of daily transactions is promptly uploaded to the central server every day.

के.सत्यमूर्ति / K.Sathiamoorthi
सहायक निदेशक (व्यवसाय विकास  & प्रौद्योगिकी )
Assistant Director (BD & Tech)
डाक महाध्यक्ष का कार्यालय, पश्चिमी क्षेत्र, तमिलनाडु / O/o the PMG, WR, TN
कोयम्बत्तूर 641002 / Coimbatore 641002.

Revision in interest rates of small savings schemes w.e.f 01.04.14

13 March 2014

Instruction for delivery of pending Business and Express Parcel COD articles

This is regarding procedure to be followed for delivery of Pending COD articles. Please take immediate action to deliver all the pending COD articles and the amount collected from the addressee should be remitted to the sender through service e-MO on the day of delivery itself

Kindly submit your report regarding the pending articles immediately to this office over phone before 1500 hours.

Dopt Orders - Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2014 – Birthday of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar.

F. No.12/4/2014-JCA-2
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 12th March, 2014.
Subject: Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2014 – Birthday of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar.
It has been decided to declare Monday, the 14th April 2014, as a Closed Holiday on account of the birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, for all Central Government Offices including Industrial Establishments throughout India.

2. The above holiday is also being notified in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (26 of
3. All Ministries/Departments of Government of India may bring the above decision to the notice of all concerned.
(Ashok Kumar)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

7 March 2014

Revision of Stitching charges of uniforms

O/o the Superintendent of Post Offices, Namakkal Division, Namakkal – 637 001
Phone No : 04286 – 220 953, 230 192. E-mail id –

No       : J3/6/Dlgs
Date   : 07.03.14
All Sub Divisional heads,
All HPMs / SPMs,
All OAs of DO, Namakkal

            Sub     :           Revision of Stitching charges of uniforms - reg
            The revised rate of stitching charges of uniform for the Departmental Officials w.e.f 01.04.11, communicated vide Directorate letter no.32-1/2011-UPE dated 29.08.11 received through RO letter no.TCB/12-3712011 dated 04.03.14 is reproduced below.

            1. Pant (Terricot)                 -           Rs.135/-
            2. Bush Shirt (Polyvastra)-           Rs.60/-
            3. Blouse                               -           Rs.45/-           

It may please be noted that the reimbursement of stitching charges at the prescribed rates should be done only after the stitched uniforms are produced and are duly impressed with indelible ink at an appropriate place on the wrong side of the stitched dress for identification. A proper record and procedure should be evolved to ensure that the employees produce the stitched uniforms within a reasonable period (say one month) after the cloth is supplied to them.

Superintendent of PO’s
Namakkal Division,
Namakkal – 637 001