
25 June 2015

Non observation of AML/CFT guidelines for money remittance and other financial activities

Government of India
Ministry of Communication & IT
Department of Posts

Subject:- Non observation of AML/CFT guidelines for money remittance and other financial activities in post offices

              Instances come to the notice of the department from time to time that, AML/CFT guidelines on international money transfer are not properly followed in post offices resulting into transactions of suspicious nature either going unnoticed or unreported, such as:

i.    high frequency of transaction in a single counter,

ii.   cash payment of high value amount where cheque payment is prescribed,

iii.  multiple transactions by a few customers

iv.  non verification of relationship between sender and the recipient, or unspecified relation,

v.   non verification of customer identity such as signature, physical description etc.,

vi.  Unverified, or, possibly, fictitious addresses, contact numbers, identities, names of the clients on either side, etc.

2.  Such occurrences are possible either due to lack of knowledge/training of the staff concerned, or distracted /overburdened staff unable to respond to the signals. However, sometimes these can also be deliberate. Further, lack of reporting of suspicious transactions/sending Nil STR can lead to incorrect reporting by the department. Considering the responsibility of the Department of Posts towards adherence to the Anti Money Laundering and Combating of Terrorist Financing measures as per PMLA 2002, strict compliance to AML/CFT guidelines for money remittance and other financial services is of utmost importance.

3. Circles are therefore requested to make all efforts, through their anti money laundering compliance cells and inspection and monitoring apparatus, to ensure adherence to AML/CFT guidelines by the post offices, especially  with high WUMT business. There is a need to sensitize the operational, supervisory and inspecting staff so that they are able to detect a suspicious transaction and take appropriate measures and report as per standing instructions on the subject. The need for a rigorous, continuous training regime cannot be over emphasized.  Nil STR reporting should be cross checked by divisions/regions/circles before onward submission of the same.

Niraj Kumar

24 June 2015

Postmaster Grade II - Regular Promotion - Tamilnadu Circle

SPM, Velur

Business development target -2015-2016-reg

भारतीय डाक विभाग, Department of Posts, India
डाकघर अधीक्षक का कार्यालय, नमक्कल मंडल, नमक्कल 637001
Office of the Supdt. of POs, Namakkal Division Namakkal – 637001.
No. BD/Target/15-16     dated at Namakkal – 637001                the                                          22.06.15
1.     Shri. R. Sivakumar,
Marketing Executive,
Namakkal 637001
2.     Shri. R. Matheswaran,
Marketing Executive,
Tiruchengode 637211

            Sub: Allotment of target for Business development  for the  financial year  2015-2016-reg
The traget for Business Development for the financial year of 2015-2016  has been allotted by Regional office, Coimbatore for this Division vide RO letter no BD/20370/T & A/15-16 dated  16.06.2015 .  The Business Development target under premium products for the this current financial year has been fixed 131.50 Lakhs .
S. No
Name of the product
Target for the financial year 2015-2016
 Business parcel
Express parcel
Business post
Bill mail service
Media post
Direct post
Retail post
E Payment
e Post
Logistics Post


The achievement of target and progress under Business product is being  monitored by the  PMG closely and non achievement of the target will be viewed seriously and will create adverse image about this division. Hence you are strictly instructed to take maximum efforts to procure more high value customer under all the premium products and achieve the financial target. High marketing efforts are to be made so that we could achieve the target in phased manner. The achievement of targets for this financial year will be possible  only if we properly focus on marketing our products , enrollment of more new high value bulk customers and proper after sales service. All out efforts may be taken immediately to achieve the targets allotted.

                                                                                                            Superintendent of POs,
                                                                                                            Namakkal Division,
                                                                                                            Namakkal  637001
Copy to :
1.     All Postmaster /Sub Postmasters/ Branch postmaster in Namakkal Division for information and necessary action.  They are instructed to  book more number of speedpost articles , and do more number of E -Bill transaction at your office. Maximum efforts should be taken to procure more number of epost  in the special occasion . ( List of occasion is already sent ). Then only the target will be achieved.

2.     All Sub Divisional head of Namakkal Division for information and necessary action . In this regard all the officer / officials  should take  sincere efforts to achieve  our division BD target The Sub Dvl heads may fix target to each office under   their control and motivate all the SPMs, GDS BPMs/MDs/MCs to achieve the BD target . The Sub Divisional heads should  keep a watch over the achievement of target by each office and  pull up all regularly and timely action should be taken  to gear up the business
Superintendent of POs,
                                                                                                            Namakkal Division,
                                                                                                            Namakkal  637001

18 June 2015

भारतीय डाक विभाग / Department Of Posts, India
पोस्टमास्टर जनरल का कार्यालय, पश्चिमी क्षेत्र, तमिलनाडु , कोयम्बत्तूर  641 002
Office of the Postmaster General, Western Region, Tamilnadu,Coimbatore 641 002
व्यवसाय विकास कक्ष / Business Development Cell
NO:BD/30072/LP/Dlgs VIII dated at Coimbatore 641002 the 18.06.2015
All SSPOs/SPOs/Manager MMS, Coimbatore
In Western Region.

               Sub: Modified Head of Account for LP- reg. 

               Kindly refer to this office letter no: BD/30072/LP/Dlgs VIII dated 10.04.2015, 24.04.2015 and C.O letter no: BD/LP/19-21/14 dated 21/04/15 regarding modified head of account for LP. Expenditure Head of Account for Logistics Post (i.e expenditure incurred on Transportation, Loading/Unloading charges, pickup charges taxes under LP ) may be taken as,  “1201-00-800-13-01-03 DEDUCT”
              The same may be circulated to all LPCs for information and necessary action.

सहायक निदेशक केलिये (व्यवसाय विकास & प्रौद्योगिकी)
For Assistant Director (BD & Tech)
डाक महाध्यक्ष का कार्यालय /O/o the Postmaster General
पश्चिमी क्षेत्र/Western Region, TN, कोयम्बत्तूर /Coimbatore 641002.

Endt No/BD/ LP/dlgs dated at Namakkal  637001 the                                                .06.2015

Copy to:
1.    The Postmaster, Namakkal HO /Tiruchengode HO for information and necessary action.
2.    Shri. R. Sivakumar, ME, Namakkal HO/Shri. R. Matheswaran , ME Tiruchengode HO for information and necessary action
d   .

Superintendent of Pos.
Namakkal Division,
Namakkal  637001

PA / SA Examination 2015

Staff Selection Commission has notified the Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Examination, 2015. The Staff Selection Commission will hold an examination for Recruitment of Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants, Data Entry Operators and Lower Divisional Clerks on Sundays 01.11.2015, 15.11.2015 and 22.11.2015. Further details are as follows:
Advertisement F.No. 3/4/2015-P&P-I 
Opening Date for Online Registration: 13 June 2015
Closing Date for Online Registration: 13 July 2015 (5:00PM)

Date of Examination: 1 November 2015, 15 November 2015 and 22 November 2015
Note: Candidates can also apply through Post.

Pay of the Posts:
Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant PB -1(Rs. 5200-20200) Grade Pay 2400
Data Entry Operator : Pay Band-1 (Rs. 5200-20200), Grade Pay Rs. 2400
Data Entry Operator : Pay Band-1 (Rs. 5200-20200), Grade Pay Rs. 1900
Lower Division Clerk: Pay Band -1 (Rs. 5200-20200), Grade Pay Rs. 1900

Vacancies: Tentatively the vacancies for the post of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant, LDC and DEO are 3523, 2049 and 1006 respectively.

Educational Qualification ( As on 01.08.2015)
* Must have passed 12th Standard or equivalent examination from a recognized Board or University.
* Candidates who have not acquired but will acquire the educational qualification and acquire documentary evidence from the Board/University in support thereof as on 01.08.2015 will also be eligible.

Age Limit: 18-27 years as on 01.08.2015 (Candidates born not before 02-08-1988 and not later than 01-08-1997.) .Age relaxation as applicable for different categories.

How to apply:
Applications must be submitted only in the prescribed format (Annexure-I) On-line through or by Post. Detailed instructions as in Annexure - II A or Annexure - II B, may be referred to for postal applications and on-line applications respectively.

Written examination (Objective type):
Part I: General Intelligence (50 questions) - 50 Marks
Part II: English Language (Basic Knowledge) ( 50 questions ) - 50 Marks
Part III: Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill) (50 questions) - 50 Marks
Part IV: General Awareness (50 questions) - 50 Marks

Total: 200 Marks
Total Duration /Timing: 2 Hours (10.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon) or (2:00 PM to 4:00 PM)
Note: The proposal for online examination is under consideration of the Government of India and if approved examination may be held on-line.
There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.