
27 October 2015

Admit Card For SSC CHSL 2015 - PA / SA EXAMINATION

Admit Card For SSC CHSL 2015 - PA / SA EXAMINATION

(Note: Before viewing the Call Letter, kindly make sure that A4 size paper is selected and both Top and Bottom margins of the print area will have only 5 mm)

Facility for downloading Admission Certificate (AC) from this website has been given only for candidates admitted for 1st & 15th November, 2015 . Facility for downloading AC for the candidates admitted for 20th December, 2015 will be given 10 days before the exam.

16 October 2015


Sometime we have a situation like transfer all RD account from one DSA to another DSA.

In this situation we have a command CRDACM to modify each account and add new DSA ID with each account. The process is given here with detail.

·                     Menu shortcut – CRDACM

·                     GO

·                     Function–Modify In the resultant screen furnish

·                     A/c ID

·                     GO

·                     In the resultant screen Kindly check with

·                     Souring Dealer ID –
      (Please replace with new DSA ID)

·                     Submit.

 ·                     Login as supervisor.

·                     Menu shortcut – CRDACM

·                     Go

·                     In the resultant screen press

·                     Submit.

Now this RD account is attached to new account.

This process should be applied for all RD account of OLD DSA to attached with NEW DSA.

Postal Holiday on 21.10.2015, 22.10.2015 and 23.10.2015 – Arrangement for Special delivery of paid unregistered letters and Speed post on 21.10.2015

O/o the Supdt of Post Offices, Namakkal division  Namakkal - 637 002
Email id – , web :
No/G/Holiday/dlgs dated at Namakkal  637001    the                                       10.2015
All the PMs / SPMs
In Namakkal Division,

            Sub      : Postal Holiday on 21.10.2015, 22.10.2015 and  23.10.2015 – 
                         Arrangement for Special delivery of paid unregistered letters and
                         Speed post  on  21.10.2015 ( Wednesday ) -reg
This is regarding effecting delivery of Fully Paid Unregistered Articles and Speed post articles on 21.10.15 ( Wednesday) as three consecutive holidays occur on 21.10.15, 22.10.15 & 23.10.15.

 Therefore  as directed  by the Directorate in its order 13.10.2015 , and CO letter no ML/9-15/2013 datd  13.10.2015  the following special arrangement  are ordered to effect  delivery of paid unregistered articles and  speed post articles by all delivery  departmental  post offices.

1.    All the Departmental Delivery Post Offices should  kept open on 21.10.2015 for effecting special delivery .

2.    Mails will be dispatched from RMS / TMO to all post offices on 21.10.2015 as usual.

3.    Minimum required staff should be brought to duty for receipt of mails and delivery. No GDS staff should brought to duty. If required contingent staff may be utilized for this work.

4.    The fixed monitory compensation may be paid as  detailed below in accordance with D.G.Posts No.10-7/2001-PE-II dated 14.8.2015, 10-23/ 87-PE I dated  21.12.93 and 9-15/92 – CI dated 10.09.92.
Category of Departmental Employees
Rate of remuneration
D.G.Posts No.10-7/2001-PE-II dated 14.8.2015
Rs.47- per hour, subject to maximum of 3 hours
If Duty performed above 3 hours, the employee is eligible to claim for 3 hours pay only
Postal Assistant
Rs.41-per hour, subject to maximum of 3 hours

Postmen/ Sorting postmen
Rs.282- per day for full day duty
Multi tasking staff
Rs.29- per hour, subject to maximum of 3 hours
If Duty performed above 3 hours, the employee is eligible to claim for 3 hours pay only

A compliance report regarding  the details of   staff brought on duty for effecting delivery on 21.10.15 may be forwarded to this office so as to reach this office on 24.10.15 without fail through email to this office.

     Supdt.of Post Offices
                                                                                               Namakkal Division,
                                                                                               Namakkal 637001

Copy to :
1.    All Sub Divisional heads of Namakkal Division for information and necessary action
2.    The Postmaster General , Western Region , Coimbatore  641002 for information .
3.   All System Administrator / Marketing Executives / OAs in Namakkal Division for information.
4.    The SRM, :CB” Division, Coimbatore – 641 001 for information and necessary action. please make necessary arrangement for conveying mails on 21.10.2015  to all delivery PO’s in NKL Dn.,
5.    The SRO , RMS “CB” Division , Salem  636005 for information and necessary action.

     Supdt.of Post Offices
                                                                                               Namakkal Division,
                                                                                               Namakkal 637001.

14 October 2015

Posting of ASP (HQ), Namakkal

IP, Namakkal West Sub Division 
has been promoted to the cadre of ASP 
and posted as 
ASP (HQ), Namakkal Division

13 October 2015

Changes in the EOD execution procedure

Infosys has made changes in the EOD execution procedure. The major changes done by Infosys to address EOD issues ar as follows:

1. SOLs should only run HISCOD menu (new menu available for PO user - SU, SA, PM)

2. HSCOD, HSOLCOP and HSCOLD to be executed by CPCs in circle sets

SOL EOD execution comprises of executing HSCOD, HSOLCOP & HSCOLD menu. Please find the current DOP executing procedure and the centralized EOD execution procedure to be followed,

 Execution of EOD 1stMenu
Branch User will be executing after clearing the blocking validation
Execution of EOD 2ndMenu
Circle SPOCs will be executing for their SETs with optimal parallelization as 20 once HSCOD is completed for their SETs
Execution of EOD 3rdMenu
Circle SPOCs will be executing for their SETs with optimal parallelization as 20 once HSOLCOP is completed for their SETs

This has to be changed to Centralized EOD execution procedure,

Submission of Pre EOD Menu
Branch User will be submitting after clearing the blocking validation
Execution of EOD 1stMenu
CPC User will be executing with optimal parallelization as 20 once HISCOD is submitted for their SETs
Execution of EOD 2ndMenu
Circle SPOCs will be executing for their SETs with optimal parallelization as 20 once HSCOD is completed for their SETs
Execution of EOD 3rd Menu
Circle SPOCs will be executing for their SETs with optimal parallelization as 20 once HSOLCOP is completed for their SETs

During EOD execution, the overall EOD progress for the Circle to be monitored & co-ordinated by CPC team centrally.

Please find the procedure to be followed by Branch user for Submitting Pre EOD menu,

Invoke HISCOD (Initiate SOL Change Operation Date) menu

Provide the SOL ID under the field “SOL SET ID”,Hours as 0 & Minutes as 1 Submit

Please find the procedure to be followed by CPC user for SOL Date Change Execution,

Invoke HSCOD (SOL Change Operation Date) menu

Provide the Circle SET ID under field “SOL SET ID”

Provide Optimal Parallelization under field “No. of Parallel SOLs”


CPC user can inquire lists of SOLs where HISCOD submitted for their Set through HSSI menu.

CPC user can inquire the HSCOD running status for their Set through HSSI menu.

The EOD Status of particular SET or for all SOLs can be monitored through HSSI menu.