
10 October 2011

The National Postal week is going to be celebrated by this department from 09.10.2011 to 14.10.2011 and each day will be celebrated in different manner and 12.10.2011 is going to be celebrated as Philately Day. In this connection, Painting and Quiz competition is proposed to conduct at Coimbatore on 12.10.2011 (Wednesday) stands cancelled. The following competitions is proposed to conduct at Namakkal on 12.10.2011.
Name of the competition
Age limit
Quiz Competition
Postal department
10 to 17 years

            It is requested to nominate the students from your school and forward the applications to this office on or before 11.10.2011. Since the time limit is very short the principal / head master of the schools are requested to register the names of the student over phone and submit the application by post.

                     Contact phone No : 04286 -220953, 230192


1.         Name of the Competition                :       Quiz Competition 

2.         Full Name of the Student               :
            (in BLOCK LETTERS)

3.         Fathers / Guardians name              :

4.         Full address for correspondence        :

5.         Contact Phone / Mobile No             :

6.         Name of the School / Institution     :
            With full address                 

7.         Class in which studying                :

8.         Age and Date of Birth                   :
            (Age and exact DOB to be certified
            By the Head of the school)

Station           :          
Date                :

                                                                     Signature of the Student


            Certify that Shri/Selvi ____________________________________        studying in _______________  Standard is a bonafied student of this institution and his / her date of birth according to the  school record is_______________

Station           :          
Date              :

                                                                         Signature of the Head of the 
                                                                           Institution with seal

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