Public Examination //
O/o the Supdt. of Post
Offices, Namakkal Division, Namakkal -
637 002
No :
G/Public Exam/Dlgs
Date : 20.03.2013
All the PMs / SPMs
In Namakkal Division
Sub : Booking
and dispatch of insured registered Parcels containing answer sheets of TN
Government public examination – Submission of report - reg
Ref : This
office letter of even no.26.02.13
Kindly refer to the above, Wherein instruction were
issued to submit the details of insured exam parcels booked for SSLC and HSC
examination. Now RO has instructed to submit the total no.of insured parcels
received / booked / delivered in c/w HSC exam from 01.03.13 to 27.03.13 and
SSLC exams from 27.03.13 to 12.04.13 in the following revised proforma.
Name of the Examination :
Name of the Office :
insured parcels received
insured parcels booked
insured parcels delivered
A link has been created in the
blogspot of DO, Namakkal for enabling the PMs / SPMs to submit the above said
reports. Hence all the PMs/SPMs are requested to update
the above said information pertaining to HSC exam immediately and for SSLC
examination every day regularly only
in the blogspot and the hardcopy of the report is not necessary.
Since the matter is being monitored at CO level utmost
care should be taken to update the correct figure in the blogspot and non
submission of report will be viewed seriously.
Superintendent of PO’s
Namakkal Division,
Namakkal – 637 001
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