
27 March 2013

Visit Report of PMG (MM), Chennai at Salem Jn RMS

O/o Supdt. of Post Offices, Namakkal Division , Namakkal - 637 001
Ph:04286-220953, mail –, web :
                                                                                                            No       :  G1 / VR / Dlgs
Date    :  27/03/2013
All the PMs / SPMs
In Namakkal Division

Sub      :           Visit Report of PMG (MM), Chennai at Salem Jn RMS - reg

The Postmaster General (MM), Chennai had visited Salem Jn RMS/2A on 14.03.13 and his observations are furnished below for your information and necessary action.

v  Articles from Namakkal BPC with frank impression of 13.03.13 are seen received only today (14.03.13). Further the articles received were private printed ILCs which were violating the conditions prescribed. Flaps were not pasted and A4 size papers were just folded into 3. Since such irregular acceptance leads to leakage of revenue.

v  The SPMs of Paramathi and Chittalandur SO had prepared district bundles of Namakkal division instead of TD and Non-TD bundles, which is not relevant in the new MNOP concept.

v  Tiruchengodu HO had sent large volume of franked article which are printed ILCs Posted by Life Insurance Corporation of India, Tiruchengodu. The article were bearing franked impression of 12/03 and 13/03.

The Postmaster, Namakkal and Tiruchengodu are hereby instructed to ensure the dispatch of franked articles on the same day itself without any delay. Severe instruction may be issued to all concerned to ensure that the private ILCs and other articles are in prescribed size and weight and verify whether sufficient postage have been paid for the article and should take immediate action to avoid leakage of revenue in future.

      The SPMs of Paramathi and Chittalandur are also instructed to prepare the bundles as per the new MNOP concept with TD and Non-TD for all type of articles without delay.

      All the above said instructions should be followed scrupulously by all concerned.

      The PM, Namakkal, Tiruchengodu and the SPMs of Paramathi, Chittalandur will please send their compliance report to this office on or before 30.03.2013

Superintendent of PO’s
Namakkal Division,
Namakkal – 637 001   

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