
18 February 2015

Collection of exam fees for TNUSRB through POs – advt No. 01/2015

भारतीय डाक विभाग / Department Of Posts, India
पोस्टमास्टर जनरल का कार्यालय, पश्चिमी क्षेत्र, तमिलनाडु , कोयम्बत्तूर  641 002
Office of the Postmaster General, Western Region, Tamilnadu, Coimbatore 641 002
व्यवसाय विकास कक्ष / Business Development Cell
No. BD / 20534 / TNUSRB / Dlgs / II dated at Coimbatore 641 002 the  07.02.2015

All SSPOs/ SPOs,
In Western Region.

Sub : Collection of exam fees for TNUSRB through POs – advt No. 01/2015 - reg.
            Ref : This office email dated 30.01.15

            Kindly refer to the above cited letter.

            Circle Office has intimated that TNUSRB will be issuing notification in newspaper on 8.02.15 for the post of ”Sub-Inspector of Police(Taluk) ( Man & Women) vide Notification number 01/2015 dated 08.02.2015. The last date for acceptance of exam fee at POs is 13.03.2015.

            Minimum amount of fee is Rs. 242/- and maximum amount is Rs. 472/- for the notification.  The above notification has been configured in ePayment with biller name ‘TNUSRB1” under Biller ID 4938.
            Suitable instructions may be issued to all identified POs on the following points:
1.     To book the fees collected for the above notification, under the correct biller.
2.     To ensure that there is no wrong booking i.e.  booking of transaction pertaining to a specific notification in the biller pertaining to some other notification.
3.     To ensure that ePayment client is run and ePayment screen is updated as on date.
4.     To ensure that exam fee is not accepted for any notification beyond the last date.
5.   To ensure that the Registration number for this advertisement starts with 100.

As matching of applications received online with payments made by the candidates will be done based on the ePayment figures in the particular biller, wrong booking of transaction would lead to rejection of application. Hence utmost care must be taken to ensure that the transactions are booked under the correct biller and it may please be communicated to all the identified POs that in case of wrong booking, it will be the entire responsibility of the official at fault.

For Assistant Director (BD & Tech)
डाक महाध्यक्ष का कार्यालय /O/o the Postmaster General
                             पश्चिमी क्षेत्र/Western Region, TN, कोयम्बत्तूर /Coimbatore 641002.

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