
17 October 2012

Deferment of proposed one day strike on 18.10.2012

From                                                                          To
Superintendent of Pos,                                          1.  All PMs/SPMs in Namakkal Dn.
Namakkal Division,                                               2.  All BPMs in Namakkal Dn.
Namakkal – 637002.                                             

 No. SP / CON / 181012                    dated at Namakkal – 637002 the 17.10.2012

                 Sub : Notice of one day strike on 18.10.2012  by Postal Joint  Counsel of Action                                      
                          of Tamilnadu Circle  – reg.,
              Ref: This office letter of even no. dated 16.10.2012
            In continuation of this  office letter  cited under reference,  the proposed one day strike on 18.10.2012 by Postal Joint Counsel of Action of Tamilnadu Secretaries  of all Postal /RMS/Postal Accounts/Administrative/ GDS Unions of Tamilnadu Circle decided to defer the strike.
Superintendent of POs,
Namakkal Division,                                                                                                                           
Namakkal – 637002
 Copy To :
  1. All Sub Divisional Heads in Namakkal Division – for information and necessary action.
  2. All OAs/Steno/Accountant in Namakkal Divisional Office – for information
Superintendent of POs,
Namakkal Division,                                                                                               
Namakkal– 637002

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