
29 October 2012

Designing a stamp contest 2012

O/o the Superintendent of Post Offices, Namakkal Division, Namakkal – 637 002
Ph: 04286 – 220 953, 230 192. E-mail id –, web : 
No       : BD/Phil/Dlgs          
Date    : 29.10.2012
The Principal / Headmaster,
Of Matriculation / Government Schools,
In Namakkal Division.

Sir / Madam,

            Sub      :           Designing a stamp contest 2012 – reg

            This is regarding designing a stamp contest to be held on 18.11.2012. Every year the Department of Posts conducts the above said contest for all the school students in the national level to promote the hobby of stamp collecting. The Students studying upto XII Standard can be participated in the contest. The general guidelines is furnished below.

 v  The subject prescribed for this contest is “Holiday” (should not be copy of picture painted by someone else)
 v  There will be three groups of participants.
 v  Group I                      -           upto IV Standard
 v  Group II                     -           V Std to VII Std
 v  Group III                   -           IX Std to XII Std
 v  The subject is common for all the categories.
 v  There will be three prizes for each for all categories. The prize winning designs in each  category will be considered for use on stamps and other Philately material.
 v  The design could be in ink, water colour, oil colour or any other medium.

A copy of application form for participating in the contest is enclosed herewith. The duly filled in application with the signature of the head of the school is to be submitted to this office in one bulk on or before 08.11.2012 through the Principal / Headmaster of the concerned schools.

The applications received after the due date / without the signature of the Headmaster / Principal will not be considered for participating in the contest. The venue of the contest will be intimated later to the schools directly.



1.         Full Name of the Student                :
            (in BLOCK LETTERS)

2.         Fathers / Guardians name              :

3.         Class in which studying                  :

4.         Group in which belongs to              :
(I / II / III)
5.         Age and Date of Birth                      :
            (Age and exact DOB to be certified
            By the Head of the school)

6.         Name of the School / Institution    :
            With full address                 

7.         Full address for correspondence   :

8.         Contact Phone / Mobile No             :

Station           :          
Date                :
                                                                                                            Signature of the Student



            Certify that Shri/Selvi ____________________________________        studying in ___________  Standard is a bonafied student of this institution and his / her date of birth according to the  school record is_______________
Station           :          
Date                :

                                                                                                     Signature of the Head of the
     Institution with seal

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