
10 April 2014

"Tender for purchase of old records and sweepings”

Office of the Supdt.of POs, Namakkal Division, Namakkal -637001
Memo No J/35-1                  dated at Namakkal -637001             the     03.04.2014
Sealed Tenders are invited on behalf of the president of India for the purchase of old records and sweepings at post offices in Namakkal Division for the year 2014-15.

               The tender should be sent in a sealed cover through Speed Post / Regd.Post addressed to Shri.V.Muthuraj, Supdt. of PO’s, Namakkal Division, Namakkal 637001 and Superscribed as "Tender for purchase of old records and sweepings for the year 2014-15.

               All the tenders should accompany a cash receipt of Rs 500/- (Five hundred only) as earnest money deposit. The amount may be credited at any post office under UCR and the cash receipt in original should be enclosed in the sealed cover. Earnest money sent through money orders and postal orders will be summarily rejected.

               The last date and time for receipt of tender is on      02.05.2014 at 1600 hours. The tenders will be opened on 07.05.2014 at 1600 hours hrs by the under signed in the presence of such of the tenderers who wish to be present at time of opening of the tenders.

The rates for purchase of old records and sweepings should be quoted separately per 1000 Kgs.

            The approved tenderer should execute an agreement contract on stamp paper of value of Rs 50/- at his own cost within ten days of intimation of acceptance of the tender. He should also deposit a sum of Rs.1000/- (Rs One Thousand only) in post office Savings Bank as security deposit duly pledged to the President of India through Supdt. of PO’s Namakkal Division, Namakkal. He should also forward the Pass Book to this office for safe custody.

The old records and sweepings should be cleared within a fortnight from the date of signing the agreement. The accumulation therefore should be cleared before the second week of March 2015 without fail after paying the amount due to the department plus sales tax etc, failing which the security amount will be forfeited.
The old records and sweepings of Post Offices will be available at the concentric centres Namakkal HO, Tiruchengodu HO, Velur S.O, Sankari Drug S.O and Idappadi S.O and the contractor has to collect them from the concentric centre only.

            The contractor should use his / her own bags and coolies for the purpose of clearing. The old records and sweepings should be weighed through Weigh Bridge in the presence of the representative of the undersigned.

         The old records and sweepings should be torn to the satisfaction of the officials in whose presence the old records and sweepings are weighed and purchased. The approved tenderer should bear the charges paid for weighing the old records and sweepings at the weigh bridge including transportations.

           The amount for which old records and sweepings were purchased should be paid in full by the approved tenderer. The condition should be entered in the form of agreement. The sales tax and purchase at the prescribed rates by the Government Law in force from time to time should be paid in full by the approved tenderer. The condition should be entered in the form of agreement.

             The contract will remain valid up to 31.03.2015.  The undersigned reserves the right to accept or to reject any or all or in part of tenders without assigning reasons thereof. Any attempt or negotiations direct or indirect on the part of the tenderers with the undersigned after submission of tender will be liable for exclusion from consideration.

                                                                                    Superintendent of POs
                                                                                    Namakkal Division
                                                                                    Namakkal -637001
Copy to

1.         The Postmaster General, Western Region, Coimbatore for information.

2.         All HPMs / SPMs in Namakkal Dn., for giving wide publicity and exhibiting in
            the notice board.

3.         All ASPO’s / IP’s in Namakkal Division for information.

4.         All SSPO’s / SPO’s in Tamilnadu Circle for displaying the tender notice in their
office notice board.

5.         All Prospective tenderers.

                                                                                    Superintendent of POs
                                                                                    Namakkal Division
                                                                                    Namakkal 637001

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