
6 July 2012

Booking and dispatching of Express Parcel Post service

Department of Posts, India
O/o The Supdt. of Post offices, Namakkal Division, Namakkal – 637002
No.  BD/EPP              dated at Namakkal – 637002                       the 06-07-2012
Of Namakkal Division.

            Sub:  Booking and dispatching  of Express Parcel Post service-reg
            This is regarding a procedure followed by the office at the time of booking and delivery of Express Parcel Post service.
            In this regard, all officials are instructed to follow the below mentioned  procedure at the time of booking and delivery of Express parcel post service at your office.
1.    Use barcode with XT series for booking of EPP articles and XBT series for closing of EPP Bags.

2 1.The EPP parcels should be handled carefully without causing  damage to the    
       consignments at all levels both Booking  and dispatch.
3 2. The EPP articles which are received for delivery   at the POs are taken for door delivery on the same day without delay and  the EPP articles are to be delivered at the door steps of the customer. But as intimated by directorate, it is seen that in many POs intimation is being served and the customers are being directed to come and collect the parcels at  the delivery PO. This should be strictly avoided.
  3. At the booking point,  the  EPP must be dispatched through only speednet module like speedpost articles . But most of the offices are still using dispatch module for dispatching the EPP articles which is wrong method.  Hence please use only speednet module.
  4. At the delivery point, the EPP articles should be delivered through speednet module only like speedpost articles. Non Processing of EPP articles through speednet will be viewed seriously.
65.The booking and delivery EPP articles are reflected in the speednet module The PMs/SPMs are instructed to  run the speednet communication before giving shift end in the speednet  without fail .

Superintendent of Pos,
Namakkal Division,
Namakkal – 637 002.
Copy to:
1.    All sub divisions of Namakkal Division for information and necessary action . They are hereby directed to check the usage of barcode labels while inspection.
2.    The SAs in Namakkal Division.  They are directed to train the official whenever they visit the post office.

Superintendent of Pos,
Namakkal Division
Namakkal 637002

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