
7 February 2012

Half yearly enumeration from 08.02.2012 onwards

·         The SPMs and PMs should pay their personal attention and count all types of unregistered mails received everyday from 08.02.2012 to 21.02.2012 and note down the same in the proforma.

·         The SPM’s should, after consolidating the return figures received from the BO’s and forward the consolidated report to the HO on or before 23.02.2012.

·         And the HO in turn by consolidating all the figures received from SO’s along with HO figure and should submit the returns to D.O on or before 25.02.2012 and also send a soft copy to the email id of D.O on that day itself.

·         The Postmaster should keep the statistics received from the SOs at his office itself safely.

      All the SPM and PMs are requested to adhere the instruction accordingly and report compliance to PM

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