
30 April 2012

Instruction of placing of indent for computer papers

            It is noticed that all the PMs / SPMs are placing indent for computer papers, A4 xerox papers, Gummed label, barcodes and other forms throughout the month more than twice in a month. It is also understood that many of the SPMs have contacted over phone and intimated that the computer stationery is completely exhausted and reports / eMOs could not be taken print. In most of the Offices the head of the office does not know the stock position of computer paper and how long it can be used and what is his monthly requirement. This is not correct. The SPM should not wait till the  last paper is used and he may place indent atleast one week before to this office.

            It resulted in closing of multiple numbers of bags to same office on various occasion in a month and it consumes lot of man power. To overcome this issue, the following guidelines are issued to all the head of the office.

    1.    The indent should be placed only once in a month for all the required items and the 2nd indent in the same month will not be entertained. (Except in emergency need for reasons)
    2.    The month for which the current indent placed and date of previous indent should be noted compulsorily. 
    3.    The indent should be placed only through the head of the office in the prescribed proforma ( a copy is enclosed ) and not through APM. 

   4.    The indent may be placed to this office e-mail id ( from the authorized mail id of the head of the office.
   5.    Once the supply is made for a particular dated indent it will be treated as closed.
   6.    For all types of barcode, (Speed post, RL, EPP, foreign RL) and eMO forms indent should be placed to SP, PSD, Coimbatore.
   7.    The acknowledged invoice and the polypropylene bags should be returned to this office by next post.
    8.    Next supply will be made only on receipt of the previous invoice with empty bag.


                                                            INDENT PROFORMA


The Supdt.of Post Offices,
Namakkal Division,
Namakkal – 637 002

            Sub     :           Supply of computer papers – reg

            Month of current indent                  -          
            Date of previous indent                  -          

            The following items may kindly be supplied to this office use.

Sl. No
Name of the item required
Stock in hand

Signature of the PM / SPM

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