
11 June 2012

Tender notice for Nallipalayam Building


       O/o the Superintendent of Pos, Namakkal Division, Namakkal-637002

  Memo No.D/220(a)  dated at Namakkal-637002  the   05.06.2012


            Sealed Tender in the prescribed form is invited from the owners of the building at Trichy main road, Namakkal for housing Natarajapuram Sub Post office with an area as shown below excluding open space in front of the office for a period of 5 years from the date of occupation free of rates and taxes.

Post Office
Cycle shed/Generator shed outside the building
289 Sq.ft. Carpet area
64 Sq.ft-Cycle shed. Space for keeping Generator

 2.         Tenders should quote definite amount of rent per mensem in whole rupees required by them, and the area of the building in a letter and forward it to the undersigned. No tender quoting the rent (as any rent deemed suitable) or words to that effect will be considered.

 3.         The owner of the building, whose tender it is finally decided to accept should be prepared to produce to the satisfaction of this department documentary evidence of his/her title to the building to be leased out. Failure on his/her Part in this respect will render the tender liable to be summarily rejected. The Department being free thereafter to accept the offer of any tenderer or landowner.

4.         The building leased out shall during its occupation by this department be accessible to all members of the public using the Post Office.

5.         Tenders must reach the undersigned on or before 05.07.2012 at 15.00 hrs addressed by name to Sri. K. Shanmugam, Supdt. of Pos, Namakkal Dn., Namakkal-637002 clearly Super scribed as ‘Tender for the building to be leased out for Natarajapuram Post Office”. Tenders should be sent by Registered/Speed Post only in sealed cover.

6.         The tenders received will be opened by the undersigned at this office on 05.07.2012 at 16.00 hrs in the presence of such of the tenderers as may wish to be present.

7.         Any attempt of negotiation direct or indirect on the part of a tender with the undersigned after he or she has submitted his or her tender or any endeavour to secure any interest for an actual or prospective tenderer or to influence by any means for acceptance of a particular tenderer, will render the tender liable for exclusion from consideration.

8.         The undersigned does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender and he reserves right to accept or reject any tender without the assignment of a reason.

9.         The successful tenderer will be called upon to execute a lease in the prescribed form and get it registered at his own cost. The tenderers should be prepared to provide separate toilet facilities to the staff, to provide counters, to embed the cash chest and fix the letter box at their own cost. This should be specifically mentioned in the schedule of repairs to be attached to the tender.


Supdt. of POs,

Namakkal Division,

Namakkal – 637002.

A copy of this memo is issued to:

1.      The Postmaster, Namakkal HO-637001/Tiruchengodu HO-637211. All SPMs in Namakkal Division for information and exhibiting tender notice on the Notice board in their office for publicity.

2.      All ASPOs/IPs/MEs in Namakkal Division for information and necessary action.

3.      REGD:           The SPM, Natarajapuram S.O.-637001. SPM will meet the Panchayat Presidents/Councilors/Ward Members/Local VIPs etc., to secure accommodation. The tender notice may please be delivered to the owners of the buildings in their delivery jurisdiction through Postman. They will forward list of owners of the buildings to whom the tender notice delivered to reach this office by 12.06.2012 positively.



Supdt. of POs,

Namakkal Division,

Namakkal – 637002.

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