
15 June 2012

LGO Examination for promotion to the cadre of PA/SA to be held on 09.09.2012 - Submission of willingness

O/o The Supdt. of Pos., Namakkal Division, Namakkal-637002
No. B2-4/1-1/2012      dated at Namakkal-2 the      15.06.2012
All Head/SPMs in Namakkal Division

Sub: LGO Examination for promotion to the cadre of PA/SA to be
held on 09.09.2012 –As in the Directorate letter - reg.

1.    In accordance with Directorate letter no.A-34012/6/2012-DE dated 12.06.2012 the Limited Departmental Competitive examination for promotion of LGOs to the cadre of Postal Assistants/ Sorting Assistants for the year 2012 will be held on 09.09.2012.

2.            Eligibility criteria: The following categories of officials are eligible to appear for the above examination as per revised recruitment rules.

a) Postman/Mail Guard in the Pay Band-1 of Rs.5200-20200+Grade Pay of Rs.2000 with 3 years of regular service in the grade.
b) Multi-Tasking Staff in the pay band-1 of Rs.5200-20200+Grade pay of Rs.1800 with 5 years of regular service in the grade including any regular service put in the erstwhile Group ’D post on regular basis.

3.            The revised pattern and syllabus for the said LGO Examination has been already circulated by SPB-I Section vide letter No.60-10/2011-SPB-I dated 10.03.2011 and the same is indicated below for ready reference:

No. of paper
No. of MCQs
Qualifying Marks
General English/Hindi, & Grammar, Arithmetic & Tabulation
1 Hour
40% in each paper for Gen. Category and 33% for SC/ST category
For Postal Assistants
Part A- Knowledge of Postal/Mail Office operations with reference to Post Office Guide.
For Sorting Assistants
Part B- Postal manual, Volume-VII
1 Hour
40% in each paper for Gen. Category and 33% for SC/ST category

            The examination will be without the aid of the Books.

  1. No. of Chances:
As per the Staff Branch order No.60-10/2011-SPB-I dated 26th July, 2011, the number of chances prescribed for General Category is 8 and for SC/ST category is 10 and in case any SC/ST candidate is appointed on the basis of his/her 9th or 10th chance, he/she shall be appointed against the vacancy reserved for SC/ST, as the case may be, irrespective of his/her merit in the examination.

  1. Venues for conducting the Examination: The venue of examination in Circle/Regional Headquarters are furnished below:
Name of the Circle
Examination Centres
No. of Centres
Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai and Tiruchirapalli

The candidates have to appear from the respective centres of their Circle only and under no circumstances, they cannot be permitted to appear from other circle centres. However, the candidates working on deputation to APS will take the examination form the nearest Civil Centre to their places of posting/serving. The Applications received at the Outsourced Agency directly i.e., without being routed through the Nodal Officer, will not be entertained.

6.    The eligible & willing candidates may send their willingness in writing on a plain paper to Divisional Office on or before 25.06.2012. Application form kit will be sent to them on receipt from Nodal Officer.

  1. Belated applications will summarily be rejected.

8.    This should be brought to the notice of all officials including those who are on deputation, training, leave, etc without omissions.

Copy to:

All recognized Service Unions/ SC/ ST Association in Namakkal Division.


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