
19 May 2012

Implementation of Redesigned Network for Second Class Mail

O/o the Superintendent of Post Offices, Namakkal Division, Namakkal – 637 002
Phone No : 04286 – 220 953, 230 192. E-mail id –
No       : G/RN/FCM
Date    : 18.05.2012
All the PMs / SPMs,
In Namakkal Division

            Sub:    Implementation of Redesigned Network for Second Class Mailreg 

Consequent on the implementation of redesigned network for first class mails, now Directorate has also ordered to implement the redesigned network for second class mails. In accordance with Dte lr No. 30-19/2012-D dt 09-05-2012 (copy enclosed) communicated vide CO lr No. ML/108-130/2012 dtd 14-05-2012, the following instructions are issued to take effect from 22-05-2012.

1)     The RMS Mail Offices in this Region are classified as L-1 & L-2 offices for disposal of Second Class mails as follows:-
L-1 Office
PIN Range
Linked L-2 Office
PIN Range

RMS Units
Pollachi Stg
Udagamandalam Stg
Tirupur RMS

Salem Jn RMS Units
Erode Stg
Dharmapuri Stg
636.7 - 636.9

     1)     Post offices would prepare one separate bag for Second Class mail containing both TD and non-TD second class mail for their Parent Mail Office (L-1 or L-2 as the case may be).  This mail will be segregated in terms of TD and non-TD by the Mail Office.   Post Offices would continue to retain Station articles, i.e,. Articles to be delivered from the same Post office.

    2)     The Bags to be closed between L-1 offices, between an L-1 office and L-2 offices mapped to it and vice-versa, and between L-1/L-2 offices and Post offices mapped to them and vice-versa need not be closed, if there is no mail meant for a particular destination Mail office, i.e., there will be no “Due Bag” for Second class mail offices.

     3)     In order to minimize the number of bags closed by Post offices for Speed Post, First Class mail and Second Class mails, the Post offices will have to follow the bag closing pattern as follows:-

                                i.            For such Parent mail offices, which are handling both First Class (unregistered and registered) and Second Class mail:- first class unregistered (separately for TD and non-TD), registered(separately for TD and non-TD) and second class (combined for TD and non-TD) mail may be closed in separate bags, BUT put inside “M” bag closed by the Post office.

                             ii.            If the quantum of mail is low, Paper covers may be used for sending registered mail.  However, a bag barcode of prescribed specification should be used on the paper cover.

                           iii.            However, Speed Post Bags would not be consigned in the “M” bag closed by a Post Office for its Parent Mail Office and would always be separate from other categories of bags and would be routed as prescribed under Speed Post Operational arrangements.

     4)     The existing arrangements w.r.t handling of Parcels / Registered Packets at such mail offices (RMS Offices) which are exclusively handling Parcels / Registered Packets and the bag closing arrangement between Post Offices and mail offices (as also between such mail offices) therein, would continue

    5)     All the head of the office will ensure smooth implementation of these arrangements and should send his report to this office WITHIN TWO days.

   6)     All the above mail arrangement should be followed from 22-05-2012 strictly and any lapses will be viewed seriously.

   7)      The receipt of this letter may be acknowledged.

DA : As above

                                                                                                 // -Sd- //
Superintendent of PO’s
Namakkal Division,
Namakkal – 637 002  

Copy to:-
All the Sub Divisional heads in Namakkal Division for information and necessary action. They will please instruct all the PMs / SPMs under their jurisdiction and ensure that the mail arrangement are given effect properly w.e.f 22.05.12 and should send their report to this office within two days.

                                                                                               // -Sd- //
Superintendent of PO’s
Namakkal Division,
Namakkal – 637 002  

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