
10 May 2012



1.       When a VP article is delivered as ordinary registered article and the VP amount subsequently collected the amount should be taken to

a)                 MO issue and VPMO issued
b)                 To UCR and the amount paid to the sender charging under UCP
c)                  To UCR and VPMO issued by per-contra charge to UCP
d)                 Amount sent by service MO to the sender                                           Ans:c (227a)
2.       A VP articles on which intimation has been served an lying in the deposit for seven days can be retained

a)                 For further seven days without any fees
b)                 For further seven days on payment of fees
c)                  For fifteen days on payment of fees
d)                 Cannot be retained return to sender after 7 days                                  Ans:b(231)
3.       In case of refused/unclaimed VP articles the VPMO form should be

a)                 Returned back to sender
b)                 Destroyed
c)                  Filled in the office
d)                 Upper portion of MO form destroyed and lower portion with sender’s certificate to be    
    filed                                                                                                            Ans:d(232)

4.       No redirection fee is charge on redirection of a parcel

a)                 If the revised address of the addressee is within the same delivery office
b)                 If the revised address of the addressee is within the same post town
c)                   If the parcel is returned to sender and if the sender resides in a different address within the delivery area     
                  of the office or within the same post town
d)                 All the above                                                                                                 Ans: d (189)

5.       The amount noted for remittance to sender of VP article

a)                 Can be altered free of cost at the request of the sender
b)                 Can be altered on payment of prescribed fee at the request of the sender
c)                  Can only recall the article
d)                 None of these                                                                                               Ans:a(210)

6.       Postage stamps can be affixed to IPOs to made up broken amount on the condition

a)                 The no of stamp should not exceed 3
b)                 Amount should not exceed 4
c)                  Total value of IPO including the stamps affixed there in should not exceed 100
d)                 All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d(188)

7.       Unpaid postage abstract is a record in form______-which is to be maintained by every_____ and_______to record the _______of unpaid articles

a)                 MS-88, Account office, Circle account office, registered
b)                 ACG 45, Sub office and branch office, receipt
c)                  ACG 45 , Head office and sub office, receipt and dispatch
d)                 ACG 45, Account office, Head office, receipt and dispatch                 Ans:c

8.       To availing registered journals facility at least ____  regd articles has to be booked monthly

            a)         150                                                     b)         200
            c)         250                                                     d)         500                                         Ans:b

9        The sender of an inland regd article may obtain attested copy of the addressee’s receipt on application made to the Post office within_____ of the date on which the addressee signed the original receipt.

            a)         3 months                                           b)         4 months
            c)         6 months                                           d)         One year                                Ans:c(185)

10.       It will be ensured that the aggregate value of all the VP articles including article including customs duty articles entrusted to an EDDA does not exceed Rs ______

            a)         8000/-                                                 b)         5000/-
            c)         10000/-                                               d)         20000/-                                   Ans:a

11.        Postmaster order book (MS-1) maintained in

a)         All sub offices                                   b)         All Branch offices
c)         All Head offices                                d)         All the above                         Ans:c(50)

12.       In PO  when duties of Pas are combined, the combination permissible is

            a)         Money order & Treasury                 b)         Sub account & mail
            c)         Delivery and Deposit                       d)         Delivery and mail                 Ans:d(4)\

13.       The customs duty due on letter/packets of the foreign letter/mail should be realized
a)                 And brought in to a separate head at the PO
b)                 In cash and credited under UCR
c)                  In cash and converted in to postage stamps affixed and defaced on receipts
d)                 Should be collected and sent to customs authorities directly              Ans:a(1(3))

14.       Business reply cards and envelops should be taxed

a)                 At the prepaid rate of postage
b)                 Twice the deficiency of the postage
c)                  At the prepaid rate of postage and handling charges.
d)                 At the twice the deficiency of postage and handling charges.                        Ans:c(32)

15.       If an insufficiently prepaid VP article is found in a letter box, it should be

a)                 Returned to sender
b)                 Booked in the normal course and postage due is collected from the addressee
c)                  Booked in the normal course as a registered article
d)                 None of these                                                                                               Ans:a(33)

16.       Loose account bags containing cash bags will be in the personal custody of the

            a)         Postmaster/Sub postmaster                       b)         Sorting assistant
            c)         Sub Accounts assistant                              d)         Treasurer                   Ans:d(67)

17.       Transit bags means

a)                 Several bags intended for other offices received loose at the office
b)                 Bags to be kept in deposit at the office
c)                  Several bags intended to be dealt with the office enclosed in a bag addressed to the office
d)                 None of these                                                                                                  Ans:c(33)

18.       Redirection fee for redirecting parcels should be collected

a)                 In cash and credited in to account as such
b)                 In cash and credited under UCR head
c)                  Should be collected in the form of undefaced postage stamps
d)                 Should be affixed on the parcel in the form of postage stamps and defaced   Ans:c(30)

19.       Notice of hours of Business for PO/RMS offices should be supplied by

            a)         Head Post master                           
            b)         Asst. Supd to PO
            c)         Postmaster General                        
            d)         Sr. Supdt of Pos/ Supdt. of Pos. of the division                                                    Ans:d(5)

20.       Left India articles to be sent to RLO
            a)         At once                                              b)         One week
            c)         15 days                                              d)         One month                            Ans:a

21.       Time limit for requesting copy of address’s receipt of Regd articles

            a)         One month                                        b)         Two month
            c)         Three month                                     d)         Six month                              Ans:c

22.       Notice of hours business for Branch office will be supplied by

            a)         The Divisional Supdt.                     b)         The Head Postmaster
            c)         The account office                           d)         Sub divisional Inspector     Ans:d
23.       Postal mails superscribed in “ On India Government Service” received for delivery
a)               Containing both name and address of the officer to be delivered redirected according to official designation
b)            Containing only the name to be delivered according to name of the addressee
c)             Postal mails not bearing the superscription “ On India government Service” but contain name and   designation of the officer., to be delivered redirected according to name
d)                 All the above                                                                                                    Ans:d(10)

24.       A letter delivered to an addressee can be reposted within the post town for redirection
            a)         After getting redirection fee            b)         After getting 50% of redirection fee
            c)         After collecting  fee equal to postage       d)         Free of cost                            Ans:d(71)
25.       When a VP article is redirected, intimation should be served to

            a)         Office of posting                               b)         The addressee
            c)         The sender                                        d)         The concerned RMS                         Ans:a

26.       Preliminary sorting of mails is done by

            a)         Mail Office                                         b)         Returned Letter Office
            c)         Post Office                                        d)         Head office                           Ans:c(84)

27.       The postman returns undelivered unpaid articles to

            a)         Treasurer                                           b)         Deposit PA
            c)         The Postmaster                                d)         Delivery PA                           Ans:c(123)

28.       An article bearing “OIGS” addressed to the officer of Central Govt Service bearing his name & designation is delivered to
            a)         Name                                                 b)         Designation
            c)         Incharge of the office                      d)         None of these                       Ans:b(101)

29.       To ascertain the punctual clearance of letter box, the postmaster

            a)         Post test letters                                 b)         Post trial Cards
            c)         Post test Cards                                 d)         All the above                         Ans:a(73)

30.       Delivery beat list are prepared by

            a)         Sub Divisional Head                       b)         Supdt of Post Office
            c)         Postmaster of concerned PO         d)         Head Postman of concerned beat

31.       Window delivery tickets are meant for receiving

a)                 Regd/Unregistered mail at the window of the PO
b)                 Fully prepaid unregistered mails for the addressee across the window
c)                  Fully prepaid unregistered mail in a locked bag
d)                 All the above                                                                                                 Ans:c(100)

32.       In case of inward unpaid foreign mails, the article can be taxed

            a)         By any post office                           
            b)         by only the Head Post office
            c)         By the office of exchange in India           
            d)         By the RMS office only       Ans:c(115)

33.       Accounts and branch office bags received in mail bags should be transferred to

            a)         The Sorting PA                                 b)         The sub account PA
            c)         The PM/SPM                                                d)         The treasurer                        Ans:d(106)

34.       The unpaid station bundle addressed to the office should be

a)                 Opened by the delivery PA                       
b)                 Taken by the Postman for delivery
c)                  Made over, unopened , by the delivery PA, to the Postmaster
d)                 None of these                                                                                               Ans:c(108)

35.       The paid unregistered article to be transferred to the deposit department at the time of delivery will comprise

a)                 Article to be redirected
b)                 Articles to be deposited
c)                  Articles the addresses of which are not known/articles with undecipherable and incomplete addresses/articles with fictitious address
d)                 All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d(113)

36.       Particulars of window delivery ticket issued should be entered in

a)                 Postmaster Order book                  
b)                 Postmaster Daily dairy
c)                  Register of window delivery tickets(MS 23)
d)                 All the above                                                                                                 Ans:c(100)

37.       Window delivery ticket prepared in form

            a)         MS 23                                                 b)         MS 22
            c)         MS 24                                                 d)         MS 11                                     Ans:c(100)

38.       Post boxes and bags entitling the renders to receive delivery of all

a)                 Fully prepaid Parcels and VP parcels
b)                 Any letters
c)                  Fully prepaid unregistered letter, ILC, PC,
d)                 All the above                                                                                                 Ans:c(100)

39.       Beat instruction register prepared in form

            a)         MS 32                                                 b)         MS 31
            c)         MS 30                                                 d)         MS 24                                     Ans:a(102)

40.       Book of addresses instructions is maintained by

            a)         Deposit Assistant                             b)         Postmaster
            c)         Mail Assistant                                   d)         Sorting Assistant                  Ans:a(133)

41.       Undelivered acknowledgement cards are to be destroyed after

            a)         15 days                                              b)         One month
            c)         Three Months                                   d)         Four Months                         Ans:d(143)

42.       If an article issued by RLO either for deliver to the addressees or to return to the sender cannot be delivered

a)                 It may be redirected whenever the revised address of the addressee/sender is not known the PO
b)                 It should be again returned to RLO
c)                  It should be burnt
d)                 It should be sent to the HPO for safe custody                                        Ans:a(139)

43.       Undelivered packets containing Registered Newspaper return to sender

            a)         On the same day                              b)         After 7 days
            c)         After 15 days                                     d)         After one month                   Ans:b(143)
44.       Permanent instructions are valid for

            a)         One year                                            b)         Two years     
            c)         Three years                                       d)         Five years                              Ans:c(133)
45.       Instructions regarding authorizing Post Office to pay money order to another person are valid for

            a)         One year                                            b)         Two years     
            c)         Three years                                       d)         Five years                              Ans:c(133)

46.       If the addressee of ordinary article is not traceable and address of the sender is not noted on the article
a)                 The article is kept in office undelivered
b)                 The beat postman tries to find out the addressee once again
c)                  The deposit PA forward it RLO after passing remark in red ink after keeping in deposit for 7 days
d)                 The article may be destroyed with permission of Postmaster / Sub postmaster .

47.       An article for which notice of arrival has been tendered to the addressee, it

a)                 Can be redirected to a new address
b)                 Cannot be redirected to address elsewhere
c)                  Can be redirected on collection of specified fee
d)                 None of these                                                                                                   Ans:b(131)

48.       Unclaimed unregistered article marked ‘ Poste restante’ should be deposited of

            a)         Two months                                      b)         After 7 days
            c)         After 15 days                                     d)         After one month                     Ans:d(143)

49.       I class foreign inward mail on redirections are eligible for free redirection

            a)         Up to the new address                    b)         Within India
            c)         Not eligible for air transmission     d)         Cannot  be redirected         Ans:b(137)

50.       Instruction slip means

a)                 Letter of instruction received for public
b)                 Instruction given by the postmaster to his subordinates
c)                  A document in which gist of instruction in connection with delivery / redirection of postal article from public are communicated to departments
d)                 None of these                                                                                               Ans:c(134)

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