
1 May 2012

Revision of MMS Subsidy for the year 2012-15 - Weighment of mail bags

O/o the Superintendent of Post Offices, Namakkal Division, Namakkal – 637 002
Ph: 04286-220953,,
No       : G/MMS Subsidy/Dlgs
Date    : 01.05.2012
All the HPMs / SPMs,

Sub      :           Revision of MMS Subsidy for the year 2012-15 - Weighment of
mail bags – reg.

            The MMS contract of all the MMS routes under this division is expired on 31.03.2012 and the MMS subsidy is to be revised for the ensuing period 2012-15. For revising the subsidy the fresh weight of mail bags for a period of one complete week is to be taken at all the SOs and BOs where the mails are being conveyed through MMS. The following guidelines and instruction may be followed

(1).       The weight of all the mails received and dispatched should be noted separately (in separate sheet) if the mails are conveyed by MMS on both morning and evening.

(2).       If the mails are also dispatched to the Branch Offices by the MMS, the weight should be noted for all the MMS routes separately by the SPM concerned.

(3).       The SPM should ensure that the exact weight of the mails received or dispatched is noted in the proforma. (copy enclosed)

(4).       All the columns in the given proforma should be filled up properly with accurate information.

(5).       The weight should be taken for all the 6 days from 14.05.2012 to 19.05.2012.

(6).       The head of the office is personally responsible for this work and this work should not be delegated to any other subordinate of his office.

(7).       The signature of the MMS Agent (bus crew) should be obtained in the proforma itself for all the six days.

All the filled up proforma should be sent to this office on or before 23.05.12, without any deviation. If any lapses by not following the instructions properly is noticed, severe action will be taken against the head of the office.

Please acknowledge the receipt of the letter.

Supdt.of Post Offices,
Namakkal Division,
Namakkal – 637 002
Copy to:

All the Sub Divisional heads in Namakkal Division for information and necessary action. They will please carryout a test check for each MMS line in their jurisdiction during the period of weighment of bags for one day and intimate the weight for each office mail line separately for receipt and dispatch.

Supdt.of Post Offices,
Namakkal Division,
Namakkal – 637 002 


  (Weighment of mail bags)
(Separate proforma should be sent for each MMS including those carrying mails of branch offices)

1.    Name of the office                                 :

2.    Route of the MMS                                 :          

3.    Name and address of the bus owned:

4.    Bus Registration Number                   :

5.    The points between which mails       :
are conveyed                                               

6.    Distance between the two points       :
over which the mails are conveyed

7.    Particulars of bags conveyed over     :
the route

8.    Single passenger fare between the   :
two points over which the mails are

9.    Whether dispatch or receipt?             :

10. Weight of mails:

(in Kgs)
(in Kgs)
Signature of the SPM
Signature of the
MMS Agent







Oval:   Date          
                                                                                                Sub Postmaster

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